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14 Tips On How To Pick Between Two Men You Like

Thursday, 25 October 2012

14 Tips On How To Pick Between Two Men You Like

Some decisions are truly hard to make, and when you’re faced with two options in the dating game, it’s pretty important that you’re able to make the right choice.

you are smitten with two guys and you’re ready to settle with just one, here are some things to consider when making the choice.

Which guy makes you feel better?

When you’re out with each guy, listen to your heart and your gut feelings and see which one makes you feel the most liked and cared for.

Think about your future.

Think about what your future looks like and then see which guy best fits your plans.

Weigh the attractiveness.

If one guy is much more attractive to you than the other, take that into consideration.

Compare their efforts.

Has one of the guys put more effort and time towards dates and being together? This could be a deciding factor.

Ask your friends and family.

You don’t want your friends and family to have too much of a say but if you’re having a hard time deciding, ask for some advice. It’s never a bad idea to have outside opinions.

Who is more compatible with you?

With any relationship, compatibility is a must. Analyze both of the guys and decide which one is more like you.

Who is better in bed?

Okay so bedroom activities shouldn’t be the basis of your relationship, but which guy really gets you going in the sheets?

Make a list of the pros and cons.

Take some time and make a list of the pros and cons of both guys. Which guy has the most pros?

Could you see yourself loving one of the guys?

If you’re looking to seriously date, think about which guy you think you could fall in love with.

Money talks.

Does one of the guys have a more stable well-paying job? Money isn’t everything but it can make a difference in the long run.

Who crosses your mind more?

Surely you think about both guys, but it’s likely that you think about one of them more often than the other.

Does one seem more willing to be exclusive?

Has either one of the guys mentioned going exclusive? If so, take that as a huge hint.

Who have you known the longest?

Being friends and getting to know a guy for a few months is helpful when it comes time to taking it to the next level. If you’ve known one of the guys much longer than the other, keep it in mind.

Decide if choosing is an absolute must.

There’s nothing wrong with playing the field and if you’re not completely ready to settle down and be exclusive with one of the guys, don’t.

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